Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Day 204: When You Are Ready

When the student is ready, the master appears, Buddha said. But what about Life in general? Many opportunities one is not able to get because simply one believes is not ready. But is it so? I'd say 'Be ready'. What point do you think you have to reach to be ready to take on anything? While one prepares, of course, it is not about to say 'I am ready for anything' while not improving oneself continuously. But I realised I am ready to take on any situation to the best of my hability to the best outcome for all. And I am working on it in every moment.

When facing a situation, do you think about that thing separately and try to 'solve it' or you first think about the future and then approach that situation with aligning it to the best future? One should think long term towards a Best for All outcome.

Do you think you will make an impact when you have a certain amount of 'followers' or people that know you? That is not so. The impact one does is in how one lives. And the impact we have on other people, most of them we will not know, but there is a ripple effect on every single thing we do.

We might not know by what we will be known for by others, but will we really be known by one thing? This is only in our minds, if you don't know a person personally then you will know them from online interaction maybe, and people that don't know you might decide they like you or not, but even if they don't like you it doesn't mean they are not going to listen and eventually change.

Are you spontaneous? There is a simple rule, do unto others as you would like done unto you. Thus do no harm - to yourself included.

There is only us in here, no angels are coming to save the day - Existence as a whole says it is about time. The time is right, we are ready, starting with each one doing what's Best for All.

I decide I am ready, no one else will decide it for me. Enough is enough. I trust that I will do what is Best for All and that everyone else will do too -- making sure it is visible - What is Best for All is Love made visible.

Maybe you hear from me now, maybe in a few years or maybe when I am gone, or maybe never but someone I reached reached you. I am not a saviour but by living by principle I am showing how it is done. 

And this is a decision, to walk within the principle of what is Best for All in every breath. 

Are you ready?