Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Day 227: Possibilities in this Life

The word 'death' popped up in TechnoTutor, and it made me think, that at death the BIG regret is POSSIBILITY - what I could have been and become in this life but I didn't, because the possibility was right there for me but I didn't take it, the possibility for me to be and become more within a world that can be and become more. 

In my life I have not gone for any real opportunity, over the years I have simply been skipping by, living by, without a real ambition for myself other than a wish for Equality in the world, but wishes never become real without hard work.

At points then it is easy to think about giving up when seeing not much that I can show for myself, but then the word Possibility comes up, as the possibility is still Great - more great than what I have achieved so far and that if I die this potential is lost.

If I have to remember one thing is that it is not what I have or am at the moment but what I can be and become in this one life I have been given, and since it can stop in any moment, to not waste a breath - but to invest it to being and becoming the best version of myself.



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