Sunday, March 13, 2022

Day 228: I am sorry

I wrote this blog about a month ago or more but I haven't had the courage to post it until now, it is about how we can direct our reality before it is too late - death -, and the only solution I realize now is self forgiveness and self change. Here it is:

I am sorry because that is the only thing I can say, and from here corect myself. This life could be heaven for everyone, we simply have to admit to our wrongdoings and inactions and correct ourselves. 

For example myself, I've participated so much in time wasting and otherwise bullshit activities where I could be supporting myself to become the best version of myself.

Today I have had multiple dreams, when I would wake up, I was again dreaming, then I would do something in the dream to check if I was in reality, and my test would test that it was reality but then - boom - I would wake up in my bed again. This made me think that all I can say is sorry. 

Sorry because I can change, we can change and yet mostly I've not been doing so, and then change the outside as well.

Because one day we will die, and wake up like in a dream, but we will not be able to go back Here in Matter. So I say I am sorry, that I will no longer procrastinate and leave things to chance, that I will direct my reality to a reality that is Best for All, this is a shared reality, not my reality inside my mind, no, we are all in the same reality, as we will have what we directly and indirectly create.

Because if like a dream, this life, this reality is able to be directed to a point that is Best for everyone - if we don't do it it will continue to be hell on Earth.

If you realize that you want to say sorry as well, because you see that this life, in this life, there are no external forces that control you, only if you allow it. All comes from within - In some dreams you can direct what to do, in this reality on Earth it is the same, you can decide. 

Why I say I am sorry? Because I can do so much. Because I allowed so much, I allowed my participation in so much bull shit. While I could have participated in so much else that creates change for the better. And from here I in this moment commit myself to stop all bullshit and start creation as what is Best for All.

This reality is a 3D reality, there is limitation, yes, but it is not unlike a dream in terms of directiveness, as in in some dreams, you can direct reality, inner and outer reality.

So I am sorry because I am not alone and powerless, I have and have had much support over the years to change myself and I have put one percent of effort on my part. 

But it is not to cry over spilled milk, no, but to correct myself is the next step. Correct myself in every moment of breath. It is a process.

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