Thursday, January 17, 2019

Day 109: Scrolling Down Time - A Social Media Story

I have noticed how much time I can spend scrolling down facebook, minute after minute it piles up into half an hour then I move into something else to entertain myself on the internet and boom my time is gone, I have not created anything substantial with my time, only spent it looking at random stuff.

In fact I/we do not need much time to get things moving, meaning for example get a blog moving, doing an assignment for DIP, it only takes an average of 20 minutes a day, maybe more - but if every little time I have I spend 'scrolling down time' nothing gets ever done.

For example today I have planned to go on a trip with our dog to the river, I have to get ready in half an hour. I could spend this time scrolling down facebook and look post after post of mostly uninteresting stuff, random stuff, because usually what's interesting is at the top of the feed and then when you go further down the random stuff starts to appear - Or I can write a blog.

It's with decisions like these that we start to direct our lives - decisions to not waste time unnecessarliy. Yes it is cool to look at facebook for about 10-15 minutes if there is interesting stuff, but most of the time there is unteresting stuff that I don't even look into or click, or simply give a like and leave it at that - when it would be far more interesting to look for a interesting post on Facebook, open it, read it and really take something from it.

It is like  we have so much to choose from when we look at social media that we or I get lost in the sea of information and never end up looking at one single post, for example open up a blog post and read through it - I would simply look at the post on Facebook for instance, give it a like, think how cool this post must be, and leave it at that.

This is a way of going through life as well, I can go looking at stuff superficially, or delve into the interesting stuff to really see and get to know it well to take something from it.

I will try a new approach with Facebook, when I go through the feed I will look for at least one post that I am interested in and read it through, not simply give it a like and that's it - no - because then I never get to recieve something from the author. It is like going through a library simply reading the titles of the books  - and maybe their description - and saying to myself 'oh how cool this must be, lets move on and keep reading books titles' - instead of picking up a book that might be interesting and reading it through.

So let's stop being lost on a sea of information, sea of decisions, where nothing ever gets done - to move into getting real quality information/material - to be able at the end of my day to say that 'today I have looked into so and so and I have taken from it this and that' - because many days I finish my day not having taken anything interesting with me and it is a shame really, with all the cool posts that go on in Facebook with the many interesting Destonian and non-Destonian friends that I have.

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