Saturday, June 24, 2017

Day 35: The Point Of Change

Recently I had someone share with me his turning point in his life to stop a life of partying and drugs, something happened that made him reconsider what he was doing with his life and change.

Do we really need something happening for us to reconsider what we are doing with life - well I can reconsider what I am doing with my life at any moment. So this is an important point, to  not wait for something extraordinary to happen before we decide to change our accepted and allowed limitations and everywhere in our life where we are not responsible for ourselves.

Yesterday I was working at the restaurant and I was feeling like I was taking advantage of something, I questioned myself, why was I feeling like I was taking advantage of something? It was because I was working at a slower pace than I could, so I was putting pressure on my peers that had to do more work because of me being slower than I could go. So I decided to go all out and work as fast and efficient as possible and this feeling of me taking advantage of something went away and also at the end of the service I was congratulated by a peer for how good I had worked that night, not once but more than one time he said it to me.

So everything is about recognizing what is happening and changing, and we don't need something extraordinary happening to recognize what is here and then decide to change it.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to work at a slower pace than I can.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to limit myself by working at a slower pace than I can.

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to work at the highest rate that I can.

I commit myself to work at the highest rate that I can.

I commit myself to perform at work at the highest rate that I can.

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