If I look at how topics come up in my mind, it is usually when I think about blogging and look for a topic, then it comes up, but I have to look for it, it usually does not come up by itself only. So the answer to the question would be, if every day I look for a topic to write about, I will find one.
During the time that I did DIP Lite, I had to do a task every day, and it usually involved writting, a positive or negative memory for example, and I always had to do this introspection to look for it to be able to use the memory to do the task. And it worked, I would find a memory right away or for a moment change what I am doing and then a memory/topic to use would come up.
So the word is introspection, I have to use it in order to be able to write every day, or whenever needed, because then blogging will be only limited by the time I have available to do it, and not for a lack of topics to write about.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that I don't have topics to write about/blog about.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to limit my blogging by believing that I don't have topics to write about instead of using intospection to find what to write about.
I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to see/realize/understand that I have the power to find topics to write about by using introspection to see what comes up at any moment.
I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myelf to live the word introspection.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to limit myself by believing that topics will automatically come up in my mind as to what to write about instead of seeing that I have to use introspection to look for them.
Whenever I see that I don't blog because I believe that I have nothing to blog about, I stop and I breathe. I realize that I have to use introspection/introspect and see inside myself to find a topic to write about.
I commit myself to use introspection to be able to blog as regularly as possible.
I commit myself to not limit myself by beliefs about when can I write and when I can't.
I commit myself to remind myself that I can use introspection whenever I want to find a topic to write about, vlog about or talk about = express.
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