Saturday, May 27, 2017

Day 28: Straightforward Blog Titles

How to try to get more views and fail in the process.

Since the beggining of this blog I have been looking at how many likes and views each post got, for example today is Saturday and I thought 'oh I have to post today' - as I do every day - to not miss those views. 

For the titles instead of being straightforward I have tried to post 'catchy titles' so as to get more visits. In the end if I want someone to find my blog post that talks about a specific topic, it is best that I don't try to come up with catchy titles but instead a title that relates to the topic. 
For example, yesterday's title was 'Day 27:I Am Not That' in relation to that I am not defined by being bipolar in relation to females, when it could have been more straightforward 'Being Bipolar and Females' this way someone that wants to hear about the topic will read the blog and that's it, because 'I Am Not That' is too vague and in the end does not achieve the purpose to get more views simply because it is enigmatic - best to be straightforward.

The best example is my blog post 'Day 26:Gas explosion' - where I explain how doing many things at once led to that happening - I thought the title would get more views because it is shoking - but it got the opposite, it got the less amount of views of all my posts. The blog post could have been instead 'Doing Many Things At Once'.

This all proves that it is not best to try to come up with ingenious titles to get more views but titles that describe the content - and that trying to get more views gave me the opposite, interesting.

Also looking so much at how many views/likes I get is like looking for recognizion from outside of myself, so somewhere I am not recognizing myself, and in wanting to get recongizion I got less views because so this was sort of a wake up call saying, wake up, you don't need recongizion from outside.

Also if one straightforward post reaches someone and it assists them to change or expand this is more valuable that doing many flashy blog posts that don't reach anyone on a deep level, maybe because the people that would benefit from reading my post don't read it because the title is not related with the content.

So from now on I commit myself to post descriptive titles that match with the content of the blog post so that everyone is well informed and they read a blog post that match the title, because on a deep level we know what we need and if the title of the blog post is what we need to read we will read it - and this is why the title and the blog post need to match, the title beind descriptive of the blog post.

It is not how many views I get but if I get 'The Views' from people that would benefit from reading my blogs, it could be very few and yet I would be 'hitting the spot' because people would be benefitting from my blog.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to want to get more views on my blogposts.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to try to put catchy/attractive titles to my blog posts to get more views.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to want to get recongizion from my blog posts instead of me recongizing myself.

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to reconize myself and want to get it from views on my blog.

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to see that in my desire to get more views I was creating the opposite by posting vague titles that I thought were catchy.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to belive I have more value the more views I get in my blog.

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to see that it is not the amount of views I get but the quality of the blog posts, as one blog post can reach one being on a deep level and many flashy blog posts maybe don't reach anyone on a deep level of change.

Whenever I see I want to get more views on my blog post, I stop and I breathe. I remind miself that it is not how many views I get but if I get 'The Views' from people that would benefit from reading my blogs, it could be very few and yet I would be 'hitting the spot' because people would be benefitting from my blog.

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