Monday, February 4, 2019

Day 122: I'm Not A People Pleaser

A people pleaser is someone that when you ask them, how are you? No matter what they will say 'ok' lol I have seen myself doing it in the past - Also wanting to avoid conflict with people and wanting to have them 'happy about me' all the time. So it is about time to stop this nonsense and get real - meaning - If I am not that well, to say it, and to not want to avoid conflict because for example I had my ear pierced, there might be some conflict possibly but in reality I should not change and not have my ear pierced just to please my employer -- as long as I don't have it at work it is fine - it is non of his business what I do in my personal life. And it makes me abit angry having been a people pleaser because when I do that I go against myself and what I really want to do and about how I really feel.

Some points have arisen since having my ear pierced - such as fear of being thrown out from my job - which is unlikely and it is merely a fear and it is irrational. And the people-pleaser point.

I have gone to the doctor today - the psychiatrist - and she says I am a bit on the upper part, meaning a bit hypomaniac - which I do not agree entirely but she insists. I do not agree with her because I do not have the signs that usually appear for me with hypomania which are: Less sleep, maybe being irritable, wanting to talk too much, having more energy to do projects, being too artistic -- I have none of those yet she insists lol. She says it is maybe because we do not know eachother that well yet.

The doctor asked me if I had done the ear piercing in 'normal conditions' which is non-hypomaniac - and I said I don't know but that I was very calm when going to do it. At the end she said to keep a high dose of antipsychotic but lower it if I have adverse effects such as if I tend to sleep too much.

So this point of being a people pleaser comes up a bit here, because if I take the extra medication 'just to please her' I am not doing myself any favour -- So I will keep the medication as it is and not take extra just because she 'seemingly sees something' that I don't see - nor my immediate enviroment sees - I will not take the extra medication only to please her. In the past I did take extra and it made me sleepy so I am not entirely refusing to take it and I am following her advise - that I can continue with the medication as it is if it gives me adverse effects - so I will keep it as it is.

Tomorrow I will talk to my employer about going back to uni and I don't know how he will react as I had left it for work this year and he does not expect that I go back but it is for my best interest that I go back. So I will stand by my decision no matter what his reaction is.

I see in myself the point of wanting to please others namely my employer and the fear of conflict.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear being thrown out from my job for having my ear pierced.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear having conflict at work for having pierced my ear.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear not having a job if I lose the job I have currently

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear being hypomaniac and not knowing it.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear getting poorer conditions at work as a punishment for having pierced my ear.

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to remind myself of the word Stand - Where I have to stand up for myself no matter what.

Whenever I see I fear being 'trown off' my work place for having had my ear pierced, I stop and I breathe. I realize this fear is irrational and I don't have to give importance to it.
Thus I commit myself to not give importance to my piercing in relation to my workplace.

Whenever I see that I fear having poorer conditions at work for having had my ear pierced, I stop and I breathe. I realise it is up to me to accept or not accept anything in this world/my workplace - thus I commit myself to not accept anything less than what I see is acceptable in my workplace.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear my employer reacting negatively to me going back to uni.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear my employer being 'angry' at me.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to want to be a 'people pleaser' in wanting to have my employer happy about me at all times.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not see, realise or understand that I cannot possibly have all people happy about me all the time - that is impossible.

I forgive myself that I accepted and allowed myself to fear conflict.

Whenever I see that I fear conflict, I stop and I breathe. I see, realize and understand that conflict will arise many times in my lifetime and that I have to learn how to deal with it. Thus I commit myself to deal with anything as conflict that may come up - instead of preocuppying myself about it in my mind.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not see, realise and understand that I am capable of dealing with conflict - and it is not something that I cannot deal with - So I commit myself to remind myself that I am capable of dealing with conflict, in my workplace and elsewhere.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to want to please my doctor in taking extra medication when deep down I know I don't need it as I don't have any signs nor anyone else in my envoronment sees any signs that I am hypomaniac currently.

Whenever I see that I want to please others such as my doctor or my employer, I stop and I breathe. I realise I don't have to do anything to please others, it is not my job. I commit myself to whenever I see I want to act in ways that go against me in order to please others, stop, breathe and change.


  1. Hey Rubén, considera también la situación en la que estás que tiene más que ver con un tratamiento médico y condiciones de trabajo. Si no tuvieses esas situaciones, seguro, tal vez si fuese solo por complacer a un amigo/a o pareja, es cuestionable, pero cuando se trata de requerimientos en el trabajo o en cuanto a tu salud, no es tanto complacer sino llevar a cabo lo que se pide de acuerdo a la norma. Eso es lo que pongo aquí a tu consideración para darte cuenta que no es tanto así una exigencia de su parte, sino normas, reglas y métodos a respetar y considerar.


    1. Seguro, hay que respetar las normas del trabajo pero nadie dice que no puedas llevar un piercing en tu vida privada y entonces sobre eso el trabajo no tiene nada que decir. Y como digo en el blog el tratamiento extra de la médico es opcional y si me da efectos secundarios puedo seguir con el tratamiento que llevaba hasta ahora, o sea que solo para 'complacer' a la doctora no lo tengo que hacer. Saludos y gracias por leer y comentar Marlen!
